When you begin guitar lessons and regularly throughout your life as a musician, it’s helpful to do a self-assessment, a personal inventory in which you write down your musical aspirations, goals, strengths, weaknesses, wants, needs, hopes, and fears.  I ask every student to go do so  at the start of guitar lessons and every six months, and to share the results with me.

You are more likely to achieve what you want through lessons when you and your teacher know exactly what that is. What is the long-term relationship with music and guitar you would like to develop? Perhaps you want to be able to play and sing for your kids, and with friends around the campfire. Or you’d like the satisfaction of relaxing at home playing guitar, and having a better understanding of the music you hear. Do you want to start a rock band and go on tour? Or be an acoustic singer-songwriter? Perhaps you envision becoming a jazz improviser, able to sit in and jam with anyone, anywhere in the world.

When your aspirations are clear, your teacher can help you to set goals and choose a curriculum to begin your journey. To be a folk singer you need to learn acoustic fingerpicking, so perhaps your first goal is to learn several fingerpicking songs in different styles. If you’re an aspiring jazz musician you’ll need to be able to read and improvise, so your first goals may be read in first position, and learn to play blues as a start on improvisation. When you identify goals be sure to include timelines – how long will it take to learn that first fingerpicking tune? – and track your progress toward them.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Are you tenacious and determined? Self-confident? Do you have previous musical training?  A good ear? These are strengths. Are you disorganized? A procrastinator? Have you never played an instrument? Is your time overcommitted? These are weaknesses. Be honest, unflinching, and thorough.  The better you and your teacher know what assets and liabilities you bring, the better you can together harness your strengths and devise strategies to overcome your weaknesses.

Wants and Needs
How do you learn best? What has your assessment revealed about this so far? You may want to always be learning a favorite song in order to maintain your inspiration and enthusiasm, and build repertoire. You may want to spend some time jamming with your teacher at each lesson to work on improvisation. If you have trouble staying organized, you may need to leave each lesson with a clear and specific roadmap and a practice log. If you are uncertain of your ability you need a your teacher to show extra patience and encouragement.

Hopes and Fears
Are you hoping this is going to be fun? Afraid you are going to be overwhelmed? Frustrated hopes and nagging fears will drag you down, especially if you’re feeling their energy without being conscious of them. Put them on the table now, and check in regularly to be sure that you and your teacher address them.

© 2012 Brenna Method

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